Use these creative journaling tips to help you develop a daily habit and enjoy all the benefits that journaling has to offer.
Journaling is a habit that you develop over time, and like every habit it can take some time to integrate into your daily routine. However it’s important to know that in order to really enjoy the benefits that journaling has to offer, you need to journal every day.
If you’re new to journaling, or have trouble developing a regular journaling habit, these journaling tips will help you get started.
5 Simple Journaling Tips to Help you Journal Every Day
Use these journaling tips to keep yourself motivated as you develop your daily journaling habit.
Bear in mind that there may be days when it simply isn’t possible to journal due to illness or some other unforeseen event. If this happens, don’t become stressed. Simply start again the next day, or as soon as possible.
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1. Remind Yourself Of The Benefits of Daily Journaling
Some days might be more of a struggle than others when it comes to journaling.
When you’re just getting started with your journaling practice, it’s easy to want to skip journaling for a day with the intention of getting started again the next day. Chances are however, that if you do this once it’s highly likely to become a habit.
One way to help you overcome the days when procrastination sets in, is to write on small index cards to remind yourself of all the different benefits of journaling.
Stick the cards in prominent places such as on your fridge, on your corkboard, or even carry them in your pocket. You can look at the reminder cards to gain inspiration when it’s needed.
2. Schedule Time For Daily Journaling
Scheduling time each day to journal is a great way to stay on track with your journaling practice. 10 minutes a day is all you need.
Decide what time of day is best for you and stick to that scheduled time. Some people prefer to journal first thing in the morning, while others prefer the evening. By journaling at the same time every day you will soon start to see that it becomes a habit.
Make it easy to remember by writing an appointment in your day planner. Or use a reminder service such as a this free reminder app.

3. Choose a Private Space
Find a place where you can journal that’s private and quiet. Journaling is a personal experience that you may not want to share with others. Having some privacy will allow you to write your thoughts without feeling the need to edit them for the benefit of others.
If you have kids, you could journal when they are in bed or you could create a quiet space in your bedroom where you won’t be disturbed. You could even journal in an outdoor space when the weather is warm.
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4. Use A Physical Journal
These days there are several types of journals you can use, such as online journals, journaling apps, or physical journals.
While an online journal or a journaling app might seem convenient, science supports writing by hand in a physical journal as the better option.
Writing by hand can be a relaxing and mindful experience. It helps to slow down your thoughts so you can think as you write. There is just something about writing in a beautiful physical journal that makes it a joy to use.
3. Start Out Small
It’s common to think that you need to write a lot, and that everything you write needs to be a masterpiece. That can be a lot of pressure when you’re first starting out.
If you feel it would help, set a timer for 5 minutes. This is particularly helpful on days when you are struggling. You’re sure to find that once you get started writing, the words will just flow from there.
The truth is you just need to start out small. Journaling just one line a day is an ideal place to begin.
Journaling Tips
You really only need 5 minutes to journal so pick a time to journal when you won’t be interrupted either in the morning or evening. Or better yet, set aside 5 minutes in the morning and evening. Use these journaling tips as a guideline.
Morning Journal Pages
Today I want to feel …
Start you day with a positive outlook and set an intention about how you want to feel as you go about your day. For example, Today I want to feel excited and happy. -
Daily Affirmation
Write an affirmation that you can use throughout the day to help you stay focused on your positive feeling. For example, Today I am excited and happy about the possibilities that await me. -
What would make today great?
Decide on something that would make today great. This could be something as simple as making a phone call to a friend or loved one that you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Evening Journal Pages
- Today was …
Do a quick review of the day and make a note of what stood out for you. For example, Today was challenging but I chose to stay focused on being excited and happy. With this change of mindset, the challenges were less intimidating. -
Something I want to remember about today
Pick something positive that you want to remember about today. For example, I finally called my friend who I haven’t spoken to in a while. It was great to catch up with her. -
Today I’m grateful for …
Write one or two things that you are grateful for about today. For example, Today I’m grateful for staying positive despite the challenges. Having a different perspective about obstacles allowed me to let go of my negative feelings quicker and easier.
Final Thoughts
These are just a small selection of journaling tips to help you get started with your daily journaling practice.
Remember, it may take practice to build up journaling as a daily part of your routine. The more you stick at it, the easier you will start to find it.
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