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Problems with an Order?

by LindaM

You can access your download links in several different ways:

  • Log into your online store account where you will find all your purchases.
  • Check your email. Immediately after payment the links to your downloads are automatically sent to the email address that you used when placing your order. These emails can sometimes take a few minutes to arrive, or they can end up in your spam folder so please check there first.

If you used our guest checkout or are trying to download your files via our email confirmation
you are limited to 3 download attempts.

If you need additional downloads
you can log into your online account where you have unlimited downloads.

If you don’t have an online store account
you will need to create one which will give you access to log in at any time and download your files. Once you have done this, provide us with your order number or paypal transaction number and date of purchase, and then we can manually add your order/s to your account. You can sign up here

It’s getting harder and harder for email that you really want to receive to arrive in your inbox because email providers are setting up stronger spam filters, particularly yahoo and aol email addresses. To ensure that our emails arrive in your inbox please add our email address to your contact list, safe list or whitelist: support[at]